World's first
Organic wine-backed cryptoasset
Open Source winery
Buy now MTB22
The MTB22 vintage token has arrived!
2022 harvest produced great quality grapes and we now have
enough wine for 8192 bottles of this year’s vintage.
Find out more about our MTB20 token ICO (
Last News and Events
Keep informed of the latest news of Costaflores
Always on the move
What we’ve been up to
Els nostres Vins
Do you want to know our wines?
"One vineyard. Three organic grapes.
Native yeast, minimal sulfites, and barely oaked.
One contemporary wine.
Truth, rhythm, spice, and full fruit.
Celebrate life."

¿Com funciona?
Si mai ha tingut una moneda digital,
ara és la teva oportunitat:
16th and 17th of March, 2023:
We pick the grapes from the vineyard.
During the months of March and April, 2023, we make the wine:
"Mike Tango Bravo 2023".
6th of May:
We issue (ICO, or initial coin offering) tokens, based on the number of bottles of wine produced.
25th of July:
The tokens are available for resale on crypto exchanges.
6th of May, 2026:
The wines are ready for drinking, and can be purchased online ONLY with the MTB23 tokens.
6th of May, 2033:
MTB23 tokens can no longer be redeemed for bottles of wine
Welcome to Costaflores
Cryptowine culture
Welcome to Costaflores Organic Vineyard, Perdriel, Mendoza, Argentina.
Three grapes: Malbec + Petit Verdot + Cabernet Sauvignon = one organic wine:
The single vineyard behind the world's first wine-backed cryptocoin.
Introducing Openvino
Digital viticulture
The goal of the Openvino Project is to create the world’s first open-source winery,
and wine-backed cryptocurrency.
Mike Barrow, the owner of Costaflores Organic Vineyard, explains how Openvino
and blockchain are transforming his boutique winery from Mendoza, Argentina.
Why an Open Source Company?
Extreme transparency and traceability
How can "extreme transparency" bring value to a boutique winery? Using low-cost IoT sensors,
360° cameras, open-source accounting and ticketing software,
Costaflores Organic Vineyard exposes EVERYTHING, and becomes the world's first open-source winery.
Wine coins and the Blockchain
Market driven pricing
Presenting the world's first wine-backed cryptoasset! It's like bitcoin, but for wine.
One MTB18 token is worth one bottle of the Argentine organic wine, "Mike Tango Bravo 2018", from Costaflores.
What technology is being used?
DiY internet of Vines
The Openvino project is transforming the Costaflores Organic Vineyard, bringing the
Internet of Things to the Internet of Vines.
Mike Barrow explains how low-cost technologies provide "extreme transparency
and traceability", a window into the day-to-dayoperations of this small Argentine
Organic certification
Biodigital certification
The Openvino project and Costaflores Organic Vineyard, from Mendoza Argentina introduce
"Biodigital Certification": self-certification, using low-cost technologies and the blockchain.
You drink it, you own it!
We break ground by paying customers for their feedback
Mike Barrow explains how Costaflores Organic Vineyard is implementing "extreme
traceability" with their wines.