Crystal year for 2022 harvest
This year, we started our harvest on April 4th.
Although less in quantity than other years, the grapes were of an excellent quality, small and very good color.
We’ll soon be sharing news on the quantity and how many bottles we expect to produce. In 2021 we had enough wine for 12,121, which are yet to be bottled due to a shortage of wine bottles in the market as a result of the pandemic. This has been a challenge for many wineries, which we hope should soon be resolved.
We decided to celebrate 15 years since our first harvest in 2007. In traditional anniversary terms, the 15th would be our ‘Crystal’. A particularly apt word to honor not just for Costaflores but also for the principles of transparency exemplified by the OpenVino project.
Respecting the tradition of Costaflores, we celebrated with many bottles of wine and a wonderful barbecue provided by Tucán, the grill master and commercial representative in Uruguay. The hard work of harvesters Santos, Yolanda, Mike, Clara, Mica, Kevin and Arturo was well rewarded and now the next stage of our work begins…